Saturday, May 2, 2015

Pinterest in the Classroom

As you all know, Pinterest is a huge collection of ideas and information. It's basically like Google, but with pictures. Pinterest allows it's users to bookmark links to websites with memorable pictures. Because of all the resources that it offers, there are many unique ways it can be used in the classroom. One unique use of Pinterest in the classroom would be having students use it as a tool for brainstorming. Having students search for ideas can get their creative juices flowing in order to come up with their own ideas. Another unique use for Pinterest in the classroom would be to have students use it as a research tool. They could pick a topic and find out all about it by using Pinterest. Pinterest could also be very useful for project based learning and doing lessons with arts and crafts. These types of lessons from gathered from Pinterest would be especially helpful for hands on learners.

Here is a link to the activity that I created for students from recycled Pinterest ideas.
I completed this assignment by first finding a standard that I could use for project based learning. Then I did some digging on Pinterest to find different activities that I could incorporate into my project. After finding some good ideas, I wrote out the assignment and made a rubric. I then completed the actual projects and took pictures. Through making a project based assignment for students, I learned that it takes more planning and time than I expected. I had to plan everything out and create guidelines that were aligned with my standard. Now I see that teachers who make relevant and good lessons have to work really hard to do so. I completed this project to make sure that students could follow the directions and because it was the final project assignment in Ed. Tech. I also had a refresher of the material that I learned in my Anatomy courses through making these models.

Organ System Projects

Nervous System: Spine

I decided that I wanted to make a model of the spine using a pool noodle, pony tails, and rope. First, I gathered all the supplies that I would need.

Our spines have 24 pieces, so I divided the noodle into 24 pieces and marked where I would make the cuts.

After cutting the noodle into 24 pieces, I cut a piece of rope that was slightly longer than all of the pieces put together.

Then I strung together all the parts of my spine. I used the pattern: one piece of noodle, one pony tail, one piece of noodle, one pony tail, etc.

After I had my spine all put together, I started to label all of it's parts. The pony tails represent the discs in our spines.

The green rope represents the Spinal Cord.

The pool noodle represents the vertebrae.

Final product of the spine.


I decided that I wanted to make a model of the brain using play-dough. First, I gathered enough play-dough to represent the 6 different regions of the brain.

I began by molding and shaping the lobes starting from the left side.

I molded and molded until I had all 6 regions accounted for.

Then, I made labels for my brain

Finished brain with labels


Circulatory System: (Blood)

I decided that I wanted to make my blood model using marshmallows, cheerios, water, food coloring, salt, and pompoms. First, I gathered all the supplies that I would need to make my blood model.

I put some yellow food coloring and salt in my water first to illustrate that our blood has plasma and chemicals in it.

Then I put some cheerios in a bag so that I could add food coloring.

After adding the red food coloring, the cheerios represented red blood cells.

When I added the red cheerios to the bottle, the yellow water became red which indicates that we have more red blood cells in comparison to plasma in our blood.

Then I added mini marshmallows to represent white blood cells and mini purple pompoms to represent platelets. There are fewer marshmallows in comparison to cheerios because our blood has more red blood cells than white blood cells. There are much fewer platelets than both cheerios and marshmallows because they are the least plentiful in our blood.

I made labels for the parts I used and took a picture because I couldn't include them in the bloody bottle.

Final Product: BLOOD

Digestive System:

I decided that I wanted to make my model of the digestive system using cake and candy. First, I gathered everything that I would need to bake a cake and make my model.

First, I actually had to bake the cake. TICK. TOCK. TICK. TOCK

Then I had to wait for it too cool. TICK. TOCK. TICK. TOCK

After the cake cooled completely, I frosted the cake as a base for my digestive system.

I added all the parts of the digestive system to my model.

Mini Marshmallows: Teeth
Blue Twizzler: Esophagus

Red icing: Stomach
Yellow Candy: Pancreas
Big Marshmallows: Large Intestine
Sour Gummy Worms: Small Intestine

Purple icing: Liver
Green icing: Gallbladder

Then I made labels for the different parts of my model.

I put the labels in the proper place.


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